Education guide

The TOYIN SANNI FOUNDATION is delighted to announce the initiation of its national essay competition designed for senior secondary students. This competition aims to encourage thoughtful analysis and insights into contemporary issues. Participants are invited to address one of the following essay topics with clarity and depth.
Essay Topics:
1. Identify one ESG-related concern within your local community, explain why this concern is critical for your community and suggest measures to address the identified concern.
2. Explore recent events that have imparted Nigeria’s current economic situation, their effects of these events and offer possible solutions.
3. What do you understand by inclusive finance? And how a finance and investment group like Emerging Africa Capital can make a significant impact in this area.
There will be a total of nine winners, with three winners in each category.
a. Winner:
– N1,500,000
b. 1st Runner-Up:
– N1,000,000
c. 2nd Runner-Up:
– N500,000
Terms and conditions:
1. The participant must be currently enrolled as a senior secondary school student at the time of submission.
2. Essays should not exceed 1000 words.
3. Monetary awards will be committed to the Emerging Dreams Trust, managed by the company, and disbursed based on academic progression.
4. All entries will be checked for AI/plagiarized content, and any plagiarized entry will result in immediate disqualification.
5. Submissions will be accepted through a Google Form, including full name, valid email address, valid phone number, scanned copy of identification, and the PDF document.
6. Entries should be in English.
7. Essays should be submitted in PDF format with specific formatting requirements (Font: Century Gothic, Size: 11, Double line spacing, and justified).
8. The filename format for entries should be: FirstName-LastName-Question-Number.pdf (e.g., Sarah-Ayomide-1.pdf).
9. The submission deadline is March 31st, and late entries will not be accepted.
10. Essays will be evaluated based on criteria such as originality, creativity, coherence, grammar, and adherence to the essay prompt or theme.
11. Decisions of the organization are final, and no appeals or disputes will be entertained after the results have been announced.
To apply, click here.