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Top 15 Mistakes Killing Students GPA – 2023 Guide
By on December 15th, 2022. Education guide

For everything, there is a cause and effect. Your GPA doesn’t just go down without certain mistakes on your part.

If you have realized that your academic performance needs attention, then it is not too late to take the necessary actions. This article exposes the possible 15 mistakes that may have contributed to your GPA drop.

Using a GPA calculator, many students are having less than 2.5 on a GPA scale of 5.0. Although there are events you cannot change or avoid; such as getting sick, bad news, and so on. However, there are avoidable GPA-killing mistakes.

This article is intended to answer the following frequently asked questions:

  1. How do I raise my GPA in college?
  2. What makes my GPA go down?
  3. What are the strategies to increase my GPA in college?
  4. What are the mistakes that kill GPA?
  5. How do I maintain a good GPA?
  6. Is it true that 100L and 200L GPA is usually low?

Identify them below and boost your performance as soon as possible.


  • 1. Procrastination
  • 2. Comparison
  • 3. Pride
  • 4. Being Too Shy
  • 5. Bad Company
  • 6. Too Much Comfort
  • 7. Not Accepting Responsibility
  • 8. Last Success Syndrome
  • 9. Settling For Less
  • 10. Inconsistency
  • 11. Skipping Classes
  • 12. Incomplete Preparations
  • 13. Social Media Addiction
  • 14. Lack of Self Improvement
  • 15. Distraction From Opposite Sex

1. Procrastination

The 15 letters above are the grave where opportunities are buried. Don’t push things to the future if you can address them in the present. Killing time is not murder, it is suicide. Don’t wait for the exams to be close before you begin adequate preparations.

One reason you should stop swimming in the ocean of procrastination is that you cannot predict the future. Today is the only asset you are sure of. Say no to procrastination.

2. Comparison

Comparison is not proof of anything. Life is not to compete but to complete. You say; “Mr A uses this approach and it works for him, so let me do the same” or “I want to be like peter”. Now, who is Peter? I don’t know but certainly not you. Just be unique; look for what produces the best result for you and stick to it.

3. Pride

Nothing kills your GP faster than when you begin to form ‘Mr Pompous’. when you are proud, you become too heavy for people to carry. Humble yourself to learn what you don’t know. Ask questions, and seek help even from your juniors.

4. Being Too Shy

You are too shy to relate with people. Have you forgotten that according to research, you remember a lot when you teach others or engage in group discussions? If your GP being affected because you are shy, it is time to work on yourself.

5. Bad Company

Are your close friends those who are not serious academically? then stop complaining about your poor performance. Like I always say, your friends are the picture of your future. Review your association immediately.

6. Too Much Comfort

You can’t be sleeping too much and expect your GPA to be awake. Too much Sleep hasn’t helped you o. You need to check and balance that thing that makes your eyes always close.

7. Not Accepting Responsibility

You always have reasons to blame your lecturers or friends for your poor performance. In the beginning, it was not so. The earlier you start taking full responsibility for your life, the better.

8. Last Success Syndrome

You relaxed because you did very well the other time. Have you forgotten so soon that your last achievement is your greatest enemy? it doesn’t make sense, but it does. Look back occasionally but forward continuously.

9. Settling For Less

You decided to take anything that comes your way. Have you forgotten that any GP can be 0.5?  go for what you want. Don’t let anyone tell you to settle for less. Your GPA trend continues until you decide to aim for the very best.

10. Inconsistency

It is better to die standing than to continuously live in your kneels. Don’t have a scattered academic or reading life. Be consistent in your dealings.

11. Skipping Classes

Some of the things your lecturer say in class are the prophecies of your exam questions. You skipped the class, there you missed the rhema. Academic Rhema is the key to your success.

12. Incomplete Preparations

The part you left out may likely come out on the exam. Try to cover as much as possible before the exam. The issue of not completing the scheme can be overcome by starting early and being consistent.

13. Social Media Addiction

Your addiction to Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, games, films, phones and so on, are not helping matters as well. Try to put some limits on your social life.

14. Lack of Self Improvement

Self-improvement is the beginning of self-discovery. Don’t use the last session’ information to solve this semester’s reality. Learn how to answer exam questions.

15. Distraction From Opposite Sex

You should be able to explain this one better. You are permitted to allow distractions from the opposite sex. That is, if it doesn’t’ affect your GPA. Else, run very fast. Tell yourself the truth in this aspect.

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About Author

I’m a blogger living in Nigeria. I like to share education guides and information from various sources. I created Jambclass to serve as a platform to disseminate quality, credible and dependable information regarding various ways to excel academically. I strive to keep Nigerian youths and students informed. I started this Blog with the Vision To Inspire and Empower Young Persons; helping them Realize and Maximize their Potential.

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