
The dream of every Jambite is to pass Jamb in one sitting. No Jamb candidate would want to accept failure as an alternative. However, not every candidate make Jamb in one sitting.
With every passing year, we see candidates sit for Jamb all over. As a matter of fact, some candidates have so failed that Jamb now sends them “recharge cards and Christmas gifts”.
You may say, “God forbid, I won’t fail Jamb….” That’s a very good confession. However, passing Jamb in one sitting is not only a mouth thing but an action thing.
As part of my soft work to ensure that you do well in your Jamb examination, I will share five golden tips you need to pass Jamb in one sitting and gain admission at your young age.
Steps To Make Jamb CBT In One Sitting
- Believe in yourself.
- Choose a course you have passion for.
- Love the Use of English.
- Don’t hate any of your Jamb subjects.
- Read to understand.
- Double your reading time.
- Be consistent.
- Improve your speed and accuracy.
- Don’t make stupid Jamb registration mistakes.
- Visit flashlearners.
Now, the new in details……..
Believe In Yourself
If you don’t believe in yourself, nobody will believe you. The first step to make Jamb is to strategically position yourself mentally. Don’t let anyone deceive you that you can’t make Jamb in one sitting; you got all it takes.
Choose A Course You Have Passion For
Passion is what gives you drive to prepare for Jamb. If you love the course you are going for, reading for long hours won’t be an issue for you.
The issue is when you are being forced to study a course or register a subject you hate so much in Jamb utme. Try to make your parents understand your passion.
Love The Use Of English
English Language is compulsory in Jamb. That is to say, no matter the course you want to study in the university, You must register the Use of English in Jamb.
In addition, the Jamb use of English carries more questions. Therefore, you need to develop interest in English so that you can score very high.
Don’t Hate Any Of Your Jamb Subjects
Your maximum Jamb subject is 4 (English and three others). To score high in Jamb, you must perform well in your four jamb subjects.
The more you complain, the more you find the subjects difficult. What you love is always easier for you to attract. Don’t say anything negative concerning your subjects.
Read To Understand
At this point, you don’t need to cram or impress anybody. Read with full concentration and let your aim of reading be to understand. Ask questions when the need arises.
After reading for a while, close your books and see whether you can recall what you have studied so far. This is a good way to remember what you have read.
Double Your Reading Time
If you were reading for two hours, it is time to double it; and if you were reading for 4 hours daily, increase it to 8 hours.
You don’t need to read for Jamb like you are preparing for internal examination. Jamb is a different ball game.
Be Consistent
Be consistent in your preparations. Don’t be a part–time Jamb candidate. Read every day, jot down points everyday, solve questions everyday. Don’t give break; read and revise. Remember, if you leave book for one week, it will leave you for a whole month.
Improve Your Speed And Accuracy
Like I said above, solve problems every day. The more you solve, the more speed you are able to acquire. Always be conscious of time while practising.
One of the reasons while candidates fail Jamb is that they can’t answer questions very fast. Learn to answer Jamb questions with the speed of light.
Don’t Make Stupid Jamb Registration Mistakes
Ensure not to make mistakes during Jamb 2022 registration or creation of Jamb profile. Enter your correct email, your correct local government and date of birth. Avoid any other possible mistakes.
Mistakes in Jamb registration can destabilize you. This will ultimately affect your performance.