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Hours To Read A Day For Jamb
By on September 24th, 2022. Jamb

For average Jamb candidates, they study when they like and stop reading immediately they are tired or lose interest. If you are in that category, it is time to leave the wavy level and progress to a stable mode. It is time to have a target and stick to it.

Having a strong reading plan helps you focus on and achieve your desired goal. Beginning from today, have plans on how many hours you must study daily. Not just having plans, ensure to stick to your plans.

If you ask me the question, how many hours should someone study daily to pass Jamb? I will break down my answers into months and weeks.

Now, how many hours you should study a day for Jamb depends on how close the examination is. The following reading plan will guide you:

A. When it is 6 months To Jamb: Read for at least one hour every day.

B. When it is 5 Months To Jamb: Read for at least 2 hours daily.

C. When it is 4 Months To Jamb: Study your book at least four hours daily.

D. When it is 3 Months To Jamb: Study for at least four hours a day.

E. When it is 2 Months To Jamb: Always exceed 5 hours of daily study.

F. When it is 1 Month To Jamb: Study for at least 5 hours a day.

G. When it is 2 Weeks To Jamb: Study and Revise for more than 6 hours a day.

H. When it is 1 Week To Jamb: Revise for as many hours as possible daily.

Do you think it is impossible to stick to the hours above? It is very possible. I did more than that. So many other persons have exceeded those hours. You need to study like your life depends on it.

Hope you found this guide helpful? Free free to share with friends and don’t fail to comment below.

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About Author

I’m a blogger living in Nigeria. I like to share education guides and information from various sources. I created Jambclass to serve as a platform to disseminate quality, credible and dependable information regarding various ways to excel academically. I strive to keep Nigerian youths and students informed. I started this Blog with the Vision To Inspire and Empower Young Persons; helping them Realize and Maximize their Potential.

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