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By on August 23rd, 2023. General

You put in hard work each day, and you know it. Your body knows it, and most certainly, your mind knows it.

Maybe you’ve thought about how many projects you’re taking on or how long your commute is to work. Maybe you’re getting things done, but it’s taking all your energy.

You aren’t afraid of working hard. But you aren’t sure if you can keep finding ways to work even harder.

Have you wondered if there’s a better or more effective way?

If you want to get somewhere without going down the path of burnout, it might be time to consider if you could be working smarter, not harder.

I work hard,But how could I work smarter

Most of us could be more efficient. Over time we develop bad habits or keep doing tasks one way even though we have the tools to do them an easier way.

But when you think about working smarter, before you jump to efficiency, pay attention to effectiveness. What is the outcome you’re trying to achieve and is there a better way to get there?

Depending on your role, you might not have control over the best way to get to an outcome — maybe your manager requires you to fill out an overcomplicated form every day instead of sending a quick IM. Even if you don’t control all of your work, to work smarter, you should periodically at least ask the question: Is there a better way? Is there anything I can stop doing?

Why working smarter is a good idea

You put in hard work each day, and you know it. Your body knows it, and most certainly, your mind knows it.

Maybe you’ve thought about how many projects you’re taking on or how long your commute is to work. Maybe you’re getting things done, but it’s taking all your energy.

You aren’t afraid of working hard. But you aren’t sure if you can keep finding ways to work even harder.

Have you wondered if there’s a better or more effective way?

If you want to get somewhere without going down the path of burnout, it might be time to consider if you could be working smarter, not harder.

I work hard, but how could I work smarter?
Most of us could be more efficient. Over time we develop bad habits or keep doing tasks one way even though we have the tools to do them an easier way.

But when you think about working smarter, before you jump to efficiency, pay attention to effectiveness. What is the outcome you’re trying to achieve and is there a better way to get there?

Depending on your role, you might not have control over the best way to get to an outcome — maybe your manager requires you to fill out an overcomplicated form every day instead of sending a quick IM. Even if you don’t control all of your work, to work smarter, you should periodically at least ask the question: Is there a better way? Is there anything I can stop doing?

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Why working smarter is a good idea

Your time and energy aren’t things you should waste. Working smarter values your energy and optimizes your time. It helps you spend less time burning your energy and more time saving it for other important things.

Plus, it makes you a more efficient worker. You know what tasks need to be accomplished in what order and the best strategies to use to complete them.

Here are other benefits when you start working smarter,not harder:

It makes time for more rest: When you work smart, you rest smart, too. It gives you more time for all sorts of types of rest. That might involve meditating, practicing mindfulness, or even taking a nap. Short naps have been found to strengthen your memory, improve your mood, and boost your creativity.
Helps to reduce or recover from burnout: Burnout zaps your energy levels and harms your mental health. But working smarter enables you to be mindful of your energy to recover or reduce burnout. Working smarter shows you how to connect with your values, what’s meaningful to you, and your goals.
Improves your work-life balance:

Rather than work longer hours and be consumed by your professional life, working smarter carves our time for your personal life. Working smarter is a great time management practice that allows for more balance in your life and hitting deadlines on schedule.
Boosts your work motivation: After a few days of working smart, the difference will be hard to ignore. Your motivation will increase because you’ll be more productive and feel positive about your work. You’ll see what this new strategy is doing for you, motivating you to set new goals and continue your growth.

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About Author
Miss Precious

Blogging being inspirational is a stepping stone for me. I always had this dream of making impacts and improving personal development of different people and through this channel I have come to realize determination and consistency is KEY. Through JAMBCLASS website you will be able to derive useful information to scale through both academically, financially, intellectually, emotionally and even far more beyond these fields. Enjoy your reading

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