
When waste products coagulate in the kidneys, kidney stones develop. Small stones are unharmful, but larger ones can obstruct the urinary tract, leading to nausea, bleeding, and trouble urinating. It is possible to flush the stones out by consuming lots of water and some natural drinks, these drinks can be made t home.
Based on Healthline’s recommendations I would like to discuss some of these drinks and explain to you how to make them at home:
1. Lemon juice
According to Healthline, citrate in lemons, which breaks up small stones so they can be flushed out of the body more quickly and prevents their creation in the first place, can help avoid calcium stones. By adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to your water, you can make it yourself. It’s best if you wish to drink more frequently.
2. Basil Juice
Basil contains acetic acid, which aids in the dissolution of kidney stones and lessens their discomfort. Use fresh or dried basil to make a cup of tea, or juice it and add it to a smoothie. This treatment should be applied for a maximum of six weeks at a time.
3. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which aids in naturally dissolving and washing away kidney stones. To keep your body hydrated and healthy, mix 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of purified water. Consume this solution throughout the day.
4. Celery juice
Celery is one natural remedy that can help prevent and cure kidney stones. One simple approach to achieve your recommended daily intake of celery is to blend one or more celery stalks with water, then drink the juice as needed throughout the day.