Education guide

It’s good to advise jambites on the right way to go about their academics but leaving the freshers to cope on their own won’t go down well. Everything you are experiencing today, someone has gone through it. From the few experiences I’ve gathered, I’ve decided to share this article.
1. Let me Settle first
Students who went extra miles to read their books all to gain admission suddenly lose their zeal and motivation after being admitted all in the name of “I want to get used to the environment” Do you know that the environment doesn’t even want to get used to you? Semesters in Nigeria are shorter than Kevin Hart and I expect you should start preparing from the onset.
2. Not starting to read early
Just like I mentioned in the first mistake, all in the name of settling; freshers forget to do the primary thing they need to be successful in their academic.Which is read, read and read. Just in case you don’t know, the more you read, the more you know.
3. Get carried away by school activities
Life in the university is a different ball game from that of a secondary school. In terms of distraction, they can give you a whole lot back to back. You’ll come across events like orientation party, freshers welcome party, freshers night party etc. If it’s not inline with your various course outline, then they are secondary things. I’ve not said it’s not good to party as a fresher, but don’t get carried away by it.
4. Getting into your first relationship
It’s no news that first relationships don’t always lead to marriage. If you happen to love and admire the person, your first break up will be on the list of the worst moments of your life. Getting into the relationship is not the issue here. If it’s with someone serious with his/her academics, this is one of the best things that will happen to you as a fresher. However, if something eventually goes wrong, which is almost inevitable and you are not able to handle your emotions, which is likely the case, your academics will crumble.
So, avoid anything relationship at first and focus on your academics.
5.Staying away from campus
There are numerous places to stay as a fresher. One of them happens to be off-campus. Just like all other mistakes mentioned earlier, if handled properly; you will excel against all odds. Staying off-campus as a fresher especially when the hostel is a very social and lively one will do you more harm than good. You get to learn and do things you’ve never done in your life. Mixing that with your academics will give your academics no chance at all.
The aim of this article is to expose you to the mistakes freshers often make. However, If at all you must make this mistake; I’ll rather you make these mistakes early on and overcome it rather than make them in your penultimate or final year where you won’t have another year for redemption. Digest all you just read, use it as a guide but above all, follow what works for you. If you found this article interesting, kindly use the comment box to air your view.
However, if there is anything you find incorrect, kindly drop it also. Also, share to freshers so that they can avoid these mistakes.