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How To Answer Jamb 2023 Questions
By on October 2nd, 2022. Jamb
To Score high in Jamb 2022, you must understand how to Answer Jamb Questions Properly. Nature of Questions Differs for different exams. It is therefore imperative for you to understand how an exam body sets Questions. You don’t expect to answer Jamb questions the same way you answer WAEC or NECO questions. It is time to learn how to answer Jamb Questions in 2023.

1. Be Smart

Jamb answer can either be Option A, B, C or D. You will not be awarded any mark for picking the closest option. Jamb doesn’t check your workings or whether you are close to the correct answer. The only thing that matters in Jamb is the correction option.  You must be extremely careful when picking an option. Be sure of your answer before choosing it. Some times, you may think you chose “option A“, meanwhile, you actually picked “option B“. This is why it is good to check your previous answers once in a while to be sure of the answer you actually picked. For Jamb Comprehension Passages, you must be able to justify that your answers are correct and match the evidence presented in the passage. Don’t be jumping into answers anyhow. If you don’t understand a question, feel free to do wise gues. But don’t pick a random answer when you really understand the topic. Keep calm and analyze the question.

2. Check Units and Symbols

This is especially for calculation subjects (Mathematics, Physics, Jamb, Chemistry, etc). Your answer might be correct, however, did you check whether it is in a standard unit? Did you also do the necessary conversions before solving? Your formula may be correct, bud did you convert cm to m or nm to m? Did you convert the values to the standard units? Are you solving gas laws with temperature in kelvin or degrees? If you have the question: Given that F=20N and M=2Kg. Calculate the acceleration of the car…….. A. 4 B. 10ms C. 15m/s^2 D. 24 E. None of the above. What is your answer? The answer is B? You are wrong. It is true that acceleration is Force divided by mass (20/2 =10). However, the unit for acceleration is not milliseconds. One thing you should be careful about in calculation subjects is unit and conversion.

3. Understand Every Question

Many candidates fail Jamb, not because they don’t know the topics but because they do not understand the questions. Jamb is far different from Waec. For everything the Questions says, there is something it is not saying. When you see a standard Jamb question, put away fear and overconfidence and try to see the big picture. Do not assume what they are asking, find out what they are really talking about. Remember, Assumption is the lowest form of knowledge. Do not assume you understand the question, actually, understand it. Do not cram past questions. It will harm you in the long run. If given a gas law chemistry question and told that pressure remains constant. They have indirectly told you the gas law to use. It is left for you to remember which gas law keeps the pressure constant.

4. Start With Simpler Subjects

Before Jamb UTME, You already know the subjects you find very sweet and the ones that are your weakness. To improve your speed and avoid getting discouraged in the exam hall, simply start answering the subjects you find less difficult. As a warning, please don’t want time under the Use of English. English language in Jamb is a consumer of Time.

5. Start With Simpler Questions

In Jamb exam hall, you are not permitted to waste time. After all, you don’t have all the time in the world. When you get the questions, quickly flash through them to see the ones you can easily answer. Tackle these ones first before laying hands on the more challenging ones. This doesn’t mean that you cannot answer everything. It is just a proven approach to save time. You must learn to answer Jamb questions at the speed of light. Even if you are unable to answer all the questions, at least your mind will be at rest that you have answered many questions that you are sure of.

6. Answer Every Question

Earlier, I said answer simpler questions first. Now, I am saying answer all Questions. Does it sound ironic? No. It simply means you should answer Jamb Questions you can answer with your clear eyes, then do a fast guess for the ones you don’t know or questions you don’t have time to solve. You may not have the answer to every question in the Jamb exam hall. But answer every question in the Jamb exam hall. Do not leave any option unpicked. Generally, there is no negative marking in Jamb. Here, do a very wise Gues. Go back to the questions you have answered correctly and see the pattern it follows. If the majority of your answers are Option “C”, you may want to choose C in the unknown… What I am trying to say is this; try to see the pattern the answers follow and see what you can bring out of it to answer the questions you are not very sure of.. Note: This article assumes that you have already prepared for Jamb. I hope this is helpful? Use the share buttons below to share this with friends. Do not fail to drop your comment below.

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About Author

I’m a blogger living in Nigeria. I like to share education guides and information from various sources. I created Jambclass to serve as a platform to disseminate quality, credible and dependable information regarding various ways to excel academically. I strive to keep Nigerian youths and students informed. I started this Blog with the Vision To Inspire and Empower Young Persons; helping them Realize and Maximize their Potential.

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